Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014


Guys,, ketemu aku lagi nihh,, pasti nunggu postingan selanjutnya ya..
Ok sekarang kita akan membahas sisi kelemahan dari reading skill. Yach, mungkin kalian akan ngrasain itu tapi ada sisi positifnya juga lho,, dengan kalian tahu tentang sisi kelemahan itu kalian bisa mencegahnya agar kalian bisa teruus dapet pengalaman atau pengetahuan baru,, heehee kelamaan ya basa basinya ok langsung kita lihat sisi kelemahan dari reading skill.. Selamat menikmati (-@^_^@-)

Reading Is Boring
Many people tend to read because they need it for work or study purposes and therefore do not associate it with relaxation or enjoyment.
This sentiment generally begins in high school, when difficult literary classics such Shakespeare are mandatory.
        In the past, reading was one of the few ways to pass the time, but that was before the advent of technologies beginning with the radio, then television and now computers, the Internet and gaming consoles — in other words, people have many other options for spending time nowadays. With leisure time a precious commodity in this hectic day and age, many people prefer to spend this time doing something that actually interests, relaxes or excites them, ranging from more active pursuits such as playing sports and socializing to more passive activities such as watching movies or video games.

Reading Is A Time Waster
        With the availability to audio books and the adaptation of many books into television series and movies, many people would prefer not taking the extra days and hours to sit down and actually read a book. For many people who do manage to take time to read during their busy daily routine, reading is usually just a means to help pass the time while commuting, having a meal or even sitting on the toilet.

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