Minggu, 03 Agustus 2014

reading skill

Hi, guys saya akan memberikan suatu artikel yang sangat dahsyat  tentunya paling penting untuk kalian juga. Semoga bermanfaat yack ^_^

Membaca adalah suatu kegiatan interaktif untuk memetik serta memahami arti atau makna yang terkandung di dalam bahan tulis.
Menurut  Furthermore , Bowman and Bowman ( Sugiarto , 2001) suggests that reading is an appropriate means to promote a lifelong learning (life - longlearning ) .Allen and Valette ( Sugiarto , 2001) says that reading is a process that develops (a develop mental process ) .
Davies ( Sugiarto , 2001) provide an understanding of reading as a process of mental or cognitive process in which a reader should be able to follow and respond to the message of the author .
Stauffer ( Petty & Jensen , 1980) considers that reading , a mind in relation to the transmission channel or ideas . In addition , reading can be used to build a concept , develop vocabulary , giving knowledge , adding personal enrichment process , develop intellect , help understand and understand the problems of others , developing self-concept and as a pleasure

Conclusion : Reading is an appropriate means as a process of mental or cognitive process in which a reader should be able to follow and respond to the message of the author reading can be used to build a concept , develop vocabulary , giving knowledge , adding personal enrichment process , develop intellect , help understand and understand the problems of others , developing self-concept and as a pleasure .

source : http://aielaamvpshawolexotic.blogspot.com/2013/11/pengertian-reading-menurut-para-ahli.html

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